General properties
Some things can be set for (almost) all questions:
- The question itself; this field is required, because this is the question that is normally displayed in the form. It is also used while editing the form and displaying or exporting the results.
- Required: a question can be made required. The user will have to fill out the answer field or select and answer to continue or submit the form.
Depending on the type of question, one or more of the following options may be available:
- Text before answer; placed before the answer field (can be used for currency symbols).
- Text after answer; placed right after the answer field (can be used for texts like 'Celcius' or 'persons').
- Example answers; this text is placed inside the answer field as a placeholder text. The text automatically disappears when the users selects the answer field or starts typing. It can be used to display an example phone number, IE "0800 0000". The example answer is not saved when the user does not fill out an actual answer.
- Display; by default both the question and the answer field are displayed. This option allows you to only display the answer field when desired.
- (Optional) explanation; contains additional information than can be displayed on hover, or when clicking a 'more info' button. Your form design must be configured to support this feature.
Depending on the question type several validation options are available. When filled out, the answer field is checked to see if it matches the set validation.
You can make several things depend on the answers given to another question using dependencies; based on what was answered before you can make another question, page, group, text or even form handler behave differently. Depending on the question and the type of item you can make them:
- optional or required
- enabled or disabled
- visible or invisible.
Using dependencies you can let the visitor skip (or not even encounter) unnecessary questions, or require more information based on the visitor's choice. For example: when the preferred method of contact is 'Phone', the actual phone number can be made required, and if 'No partner' is selected an entire 'Partner information' page can be hidden.
Short text field (single line)
A short text field allows the user to fill out a single line answer. This type of question is used for short, open-ended questions like company name or region. The maximum number of characters the visitor can type can be set.
Long text field (multiple lines)
A long text field allows the visitor to fill out a multiple line answer. This type of question is used for longer, open-ended questions like a remark or description. The maximum number of characters the user can type can be set.
An e-mailfield can be used to ask the user for an e-mail address. The answer is checked to see if it is a valid e-mail address. You need to add an e-mail question if you want to send the visitor their responses via e-mail.
A number field can be used to ask for a numeric answer. A minimum and maximum value can be set.
Radiobuttons allow the user to select a single answer from a limited amount of choices, such as a yes/no question or gender. The question displayed to the left of the radiobuttons can be added, and you can choose whether the options are displayed next to or underneath each other (horizontally or vertically).
- For the radiobuttons at least one answer option needs to be added.
- You can set one of the answers to be the default selected answer.
- You can set an answer to be 'invalid' - when used in a required question, this answer would not satisfy the requirement. You can use this to create a 'Please choose' option or a 'I do not agree with the terms and condition'.
A pulldown allows the user to select a single answer from a set amount of choices, such as a country choice.
- For the pulldown at least one answer option need to be added.
- You can set one of the answers to be the default selected answer.
- You can set an answer to be 'invalid' - when used in a required question, this answer would not satisfy the requirement. You can use this to create a 'Please choose' option.
Multiple checkboxes
Multiple checkboxes allow the user to check or uncheck one or more answers from the same question, for instance "Prefered contact methods". You can choose not to show the question, but only the answer labels.
- For the checkboxes at least one answer option need to be added.
- You can set which answers are selected by default.
- You can add an optional or required answer field to a checkbox; you can use this for "Other: please fill out".
Single checkbox
A single checkbox allows the user to check or uncheck a single answer option, for example "I agree with the conditions". For a checkbox a label can be set, which is displayed to the right of the checkbox. You can not add a 'question' field.
A date question allows the user to pick a date, for instance a date of birth. A minimum and maximum can be set.
A date question allows the user to choose a time. You can choose whether the time should be set in hours and minutes or hours, minutes and seconds by setting the precision to minutes or seconds.
An image question allows the user to upload an image. You can use this to upload a profile photo.
File upload
An image question allows the user to upload an file.